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Leadership Development

Leadership Development

A Series on the Eight Principles of Christian Community Development By Eric Basye In the fall of 2020, I began working on my Doctor of Leadership through George Fox University. I toyed with the idea...



A Series on the Eight Principles of Christian Community Development By Eric Basye Hope for Restoration In the Old Testament book of Nehemiah, the prophet lamented the disrepair of Jerusalem as the...

A Bright Future

A Bright Future

I came to the Hannah House in June of 2019 and started working to be reunified with my two sons. The Hannah House staff wrapped their arms around me, loved me, and helped me begin to build a stable...

The Power of Proximity

The Power of Proximity

Where we choose to live has an impact on who we are in relationship with. Though we can, without a doubt, maintain strong friendships with those we are separated from geographically, the frequency...

Thrilled to Be Proven Wrong

Thrilled to Be Proven Wrong

When you think of home, it’s often a place. But it can also be represented by specific feelings, smells, or... most importantly, people. Part of our mission at Rail//Line Coffee is to give people a...

Miss Darla’s Hope

Miss Darla’s Hope

I pulled into Miss Darla’s driveway and gave a soft knock on the door to her apartment. Her voice drifted up the stairs, telling me to come on in. I opened the door, and her dog scurried past me out...



A Series on the Eight Principles of Christian Community Development I am excited to share this blog written by Jackie, a current intern, on the principle of “reconciliation.” Ultimately, our sin has...