Hello Friends of CLDI! We officially have Tent City at the Tapestry site, which has been a success! The moisture levels and compaction tests are approved to proceed with the underground plumbing. We have also completed the forms for the piers (the support columns) and...
Dear CLDI Family and Friends, This months blog is written by Jackie Patten, our Youth Works Director. In her monthly updates, Jackie shares her heart for remembering the truth of God in the face of suffering. Her words are a powerful reminder of the brokenness...
Words by Jackie Patten In light of Valentine’s Day, our office has a “heart attack” game going around where we have to essentially bomb each other’s work desks with goodies, candy and words of affirmation. The individual who chose me wrote words of...
Hello Friends of CLDI! Tent City is soon to be coming to Billings! But wait, not the kind of tent city you are imagining. Given the extreme weather we have experienced lately, and the delay in progress due to the cold and moisture, the construction team has decided to...
Hello Friends of CLDI! Happy Friday! Some good news, Tapestry’s sewage tie-in to the city will be complete today or tomorrow. Our lumber has also arrived at the warehouse, and next week, they will start framing walls off-site. Unfortunately, with the extreme...