Tapestry Friday Update: Week 39

Tapestry Friday Update: Week 39

Hello, CLDI friends & family, Progress continues at Tapestry, with the feeder wire being installed this week. The feeder wire is the main power that goes into each of our 27 units. From the outside, our steel siding continues to be installed and will be ongoing...
Tapestry Friday Update: Week 37

Tapestry Friday Update: Week 37

Hello, CLDI friends and family, We have moved down to the 2nd-floor to continue insulating and sheet rocking and to the 1st-floor to finish the electrical. The outside metal siding has officially started; beginning this week and continuing into next week, we will work...
Tapestry Friday Update: Week 36

Tapestry Friday Update: Week 36

Hello CLDI friends, The outside of Tapestry is coming together, with the CMU (Concrete Masonry Units) surrounding the bottom half of the building being completed alongside a beautiful CMU entryway into the building. Next week the black and gray steel siding will go up...