By Kaylee Thompson
*A reflection written by a CLDI youth worker who desperately desires kids to know the God who will never leave nor forsake them. Even as one who has seen God use the little day-to-day interactions to make a difference, she still wrestles with doubt and so many questions.
What if I told you it all really mattered?
What if I told you that the milk carton you opened, that high five you gave, that smile you sent their way – what if you knew that it counted for something?
What if I told you that just showing up for the game, being a face in the crowd, shouting their name from the sidelines – that they really noticed somehow?
What if I told you that helping clean that bathroom was a key to them seeing love for them in action?
What if I told you they said they hated you that day, because they knew in reality your love would never go away?
What if I told you that after years of wrangling and wondering, “Will these boys ever get it?”, they call and want to talk, to understand, to ask questions and to really know who God is?
What if I told you your bumbling, fumbling attempts at loving that teen was something they would one day fondly recall?
What if I told you that when hell breaks loose in their world and things feel like they are caving in, they would remember, they would know that you love them and know that you care, no matter how many years it has been?
What if I told you in all these seemingly small actions, God chose to use you to help bring them to redemption?
What if I told you that pursuing these kids would help you know and love Jesus with all of your heart?
What if I told you it all really mattered?