Tapestry Friday Update: Week 59

Jan 19, 2024

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Hello friends and supporters of Tapestry!

Well…. The weather has done it now! As I am sure you are all currently trying to stay warm and stay inside due to the severe weather, the work and progress of Tapestry has also been affected! Unfortunately, Northwestern Energy could not come and connect Tapestry to permanent power this week as we had hoped. We have Northwestern rescheduled but want Tapestry Apartments as completed as possible before the ribbon-cutting ceremony, and having power to the building would be necessary for that; therefore, we have decided to reschedule the ribbon-cutting event.

We will no longer have the Tapestry open house and ribbon cutting ceremony on January 30th.

So stay tuned for a follow-up date in February. One of our core values at CLDI is integrity. A part of integrity is putting our best foot forward in creating a product for the community that is safe and reliable, and Tapestry falls under that stewardship. While we are very excited to open Tapestry’s doors to the public and our tenants, we want to do it with a level of integrity and preparedness, so stay tuned. We are excited to celebrate with you when the time is right.

In other news…

The elevator shaft is in good standing and ready to go; once we have permanent power, we will have the elevator inspector come within ten days. Our first-floor countertops and sinks have been installed, with nearly all shelving complete. We are 85% done with trimmed electrical on the 1st floor, and fridges have been delivered and installed on the 2nd floor.

Window screens and blinds have been installed. We have our punch-walk scheduled for the 2nd floor next week and water heaters arriving soon, weather permitting. It is exciting to see all the little details coming together and slowly coming to a close. The next few weeks will be fast and furious for the construction team here, who will all put in their best effort to complete a job well done!

We look forward to celebrating this momentous milestone with you, and in the meantime, stay warm!

Kaleb Perdew

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