Tapestry Friday Update: Week 49

Tapestry Friday Update: Week 49

Dear CLDI friends and family, Let's take a quick peek into the bustling happenings of the last couple of weeks at Tapestry. Up on the third floor, the space is really shaping up! The cabinets have found their place, and we're in the midst of installing FRP (Fiberglass...

Tapestry Friday Update: Week 41

Tapestry Friday Update: Week 41

Dear CLDI friends and family, I hope the end of your summer is going well and finds you with the same excitement and anticipation that we have here at the Tapestry construction site. It's time for another update on our progress, and while the visual transformation may...

Tapestry Friday Update: Week 36

Tapestry Friday Update: Week 36

Hello CLDI friends, The outside of Tapestry is coming together, with the CMU (Concrete Masonry Units) surrounding the bottom half of the building being completed alongside a beautiful CMU entryway into the building. Next week the black and gray steel siding will go up...

Tapestry Friday Update: Week 33

Tapestry Friday Update: Week 33

Hello CLDI Friends and Family! It is nearly August, and I can't believe the summer has gone by so fast! Tapestry is progressing, with a final walk-through done Thursday before hanging the sheetrock to ensure proper backing, outlets, etc. We will begin hanging...

Tapestry Friday Update: Week 30

Tapestry Friday Update: Week 30

Hello Friends of CLDI, This officially makes 30 weeks since we began building Tapestry! It's been incredible to see the hard work and dedication of those invested in seeing Tapestry completed. This week we are finishing up the 3rd-floor interior electrical. All the...

Tapestry Friday Update: Week 28

Tapestry Friday Update: Week 28

Hello friends! I hope that you are having a great week! We are thrilled to share that the roofers began roofing this Tuesday, and it will be substantially completed by the end of the day! This allows us to stay on track and continue our work. Similarly, our...

Tapestry Friday Update: Week 27

Tapestry Friday Update: Week 27

Hello friends! I hope that you are having a great week. Wow, who knew Billings could receive that amount of rain from one storm? For those of you in Billings, we hope you didn't have too much damage from any flooding, if any at all. Thankfully. CLDI faired well, with...

Tapestry Friday Update: Week 24

Tapestry Friday Update: Week 24

Hello friends of CLDI! In regard to Tapestry, the contractors are moving along at a rapid pace! If you get a chance to drive by, it is worth seeing. The third floor is up, the roof is done, the plumbers are busy inside, the fire suppressor system is being installed,...

Tapestry Friday Update: Week 22

Tapestry Friday Update: Week 22

Happy Spring CLDI friends! Here is a quick update, the 3rd floor is up! We are so pleased with the quick and steady progress being made. It's been fun to look out CLDI's window each week and watch Tapestry being built from the ground up. With your help, you are making...

Tapestry Friday Update: Week 21

Tapestry Friday Update: Week 21

Happy spring CLDI friends! We are thankful to announce that the project is ticking along as planned! As we look to next week, the crane will be back as they will set the walls for the third (and final) floor, as well as begin to set the trusses for the roof. While all...