Mosaic Senior Housing – Friday Update Week 8

Mosaic Senior Housing – Friday Update Week 8

While we thought we were going to poor our first slab last Friday, unfortunately, it didn't work out. And then with the cold snap, we were delayed. However, the great news is that we poured both slabs Thursday. Next on the docket? Framing both buildings! Cold...


Wow! What a difference a week can make. Concrete gets poured in the South building this week. Next week they will start to frame the South building. Gravel will also be going into the North building, and then we will be pouring concrete and prepping the...


Foundation walls; check.Site prepThe challenges next door; hopeful the city will enforce a demolition.The worksiteGetting the walls formed for Building #2Building #1 plumbed and ready for the concrete slab pour!Future intern house at 2016 4th Avenue SouthOur neighbors...

Mosaic Senior Housing – Friday Update Week 5

Construction forges ahead. The warm fall has been favorable for building! Have you seen the architect renderings for Mosaic? Enjoy these pictures of what's to come.  Do you have a favorite feature? We love the front porches and proximity to Rail//Line. We...

A Year of Clarity and Transformation

A Year of Clarity and Transformation

It was my first day at CLDI as an intern and my nerves were only slightly tempered by my excitement. My new boss gave me the wrong address and after I tried to move into the wrong house, I couldn’t help but think—was this really where God wanted me? This past year was...

The Power of Mentorship

The Power of Mentorship

Reality for a Child on the South Side of Billings Last week I was reunited with my mom after being in foster care for a year. While I was with my foster family I did really great in school and didn’t worry about being hungry which was nice but they weren’t my family....

Mosaic Senior Housing – Week 3

We have an address! 116 and 114 S 29th Street.Ready for the footings to be poured.The footings are in.Knocking out the essential site development work.Firm foundations.Patched and ready to open!Intern house renovation resumes.Soon to add a garage, two bedrooms, and a...

Mosaic Senior Housing – Friday Update Week 2

We had a great week on-site for Mosaic! Please continue to pray for safety for the workers and favorable weather to forge ahead. Work Completed Stripped topsoilPrepped building slabsTied in to existing sewerTied in to existing waterBegun excavating building footings...

Serving Through Summer

Serving Through Summer

Dear friends of CLDI, Summer has arrived! I love summer – the warm weather, clear days, the big Montana sky, green grass, bright flowers, cookouts, and trips; what’s not to love! Like many of you, the summer provides a “seasonal shift” for us with our various works....

A Kingdom Vision: Part 3

A Kingdom Vision: Part 3

As we have started our new blog series called “Kingdom Vision,” I wanted to share some stories about the impact that the gift of time and talents has on those we serve. There are always needs, and simple acts of service can go so far. Enjoy this blog written by our...