Leadership Development

Leadership Development

A Series on the Eight Principles of Christian Community Development By Eric Basye In the fall of 2020, I began working on my Doctor of Leadership through George Fox University. I toyed with the idea for years, having completed one year of doctoral work through Fuller...

Mosaic Senior Cottage Update – Week 33

Hello friends! We are excited to announce that Mosaic Senior Cottages are 99% complete! With our certificate of occupancy, tenants will be moving in next week! After the snow flies next week (šŸ˜„) we will lay the sod and finish up the landscaping. A HUGE praise to God...

Mosaic Senior Cottage Update – Week 32

Hello friends! We are SO CLOSE to having this project fully buttoned up! Thank you First Interstate Bank for your great crew of volunteers to help with a deep clean! As of right now, we are planning on our tenants moving in on April 13th and anticipate by that time...

Relocation: Part II

Relocation: Part II

A series on the Principles of Christian Community Development Enjoy this blog, written by one of our current interns, Kallie Linse. ECB That Side of the Tracks When I was in high school, a friend and I were driving to downtown Billings. At some point, we took a wrong...

The Power of Mentorship

The Power of Mentorship

Reality for a Child on the South Side of Billings Last week I was reunited with my mom after being in foster care for a year. While I was with my foster family I did really great in school and didnā€™t worry about being hungry which was nice but they werenā€™t my family....

Baking with a Purpose

Baking with a Purpose

Sandi Eatonā€™s passion for baking collided with her heart for people when she went to Rail//Line Coffee and noticed their cooler was running low on baked goods. Eaton jumped on the opportunity to serve, presented the idea to CLDI, and now dedicates upwards of six hours...

Restoration through Relationship:  An Intern’s Experience

Restoration through Relationship: An Intern’s Experience

One of the first things you see when you cross the train tracks to get over to the street where I now live is a sign that reads, ā€œThe South Side, the Bright Side of the Tracksā€. I hadnā€™t noticed it the first time I came to the place Iā€™m now calling home. Instead, I...