2022 Christmas Store Update: From Jacki Patten
The Christmas Store is a one-of-a-kind event that truly captures the love, joy, and hope of the Christmas season. Each year, the community comes together to serve neighbors by donating toys and Christmas gifts to be sold at dramatically reduced prices at Orchard, Riverside, and Newman Schools.
We are SO elated that both the Orchard and Riverside stores sold out this year, as it means more families were blessed by this event than ever before. A local program director approached me this year and said, “This is the first time a lot of these fathers have been able to buy presents for their kids.”This way of empowering families and providing a sense of accomplishment and dignity through purchasing Christmas gifts is a beautiful and accurate reflection of what Jesus did on this earth.
I look forward to seeing how the Christmas Store continues to grow and impact South Side families for years to come. A special thank you to our volunteers, donors, and staff at Orchard and Riverside. The South Side Christmas Store is possible because of YOU!