Now Hiring: Hannah House Case Manager

Feb 25, 2025

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Position Overview:

The Case Manager at Hannah House plays a vital role in supporting women transitioning from addiction into recovery. This position is responsible for providing case management services, ensuring accountability, and assisting residents in their journey toward independence. The Case Manager will meet regularly with residents, assist with employment tracking, attend court hearings, support child reunification efforts, and perform administrative tasks related to resident care. This role is under the supervision of the HH Director and requires a strong commitment to faith-based recovery and discipleship.

Key Responsibilities:

Resident Case Management

  • Meet weekly with residents (15-20 individuals) to assess progress, provide guidance, and track goals.
  • Maintain detailed case notes, documenting progress, challenges, and key updates.
  • Monitor residents’ employment status, assist with job applications, and ensure they are working toward financial stability.
  • Support residents in child reunification efforts, including working with CPS, legal representatives, and other agencies.
  • Accompany residents to court dates, probation/parole meetings, and other required legal proceedings as an advocate.
  • Conduct quarterly assessments of residents’ progress to determine continued eligibility for the program.
  • Assist with interviews for new residents, helping assess suitability for the program.

Program & House Support

  • Attend and contribute to weekly house meetings relaying key updates and reinforcing program guidelines.
  • Support disciplinary actions and conflict resolution under the direction of the HH Director.
  • Assist in the coordination of volunteers and mentors who support residents in their recovery journey.
  • Engage in case conferencing with other staff members to address resident needs holistically.
  • Support house oversight by ensuring residents are meeting program expectations, such as curfew compliance, financial savings goals, and chore completion.
  • Work with the HH Director to assess and adapt policies and procedures to better serve residents.

Administrative Responsibilities

  • Maintain accurate and confidential case files for all residents.
  • Submit monthly reports on resident progress, program needs, and trends.
  • Assist with grant and subsidy applications by providing resident-related data and impact reports.
  • Provide data and insights for program evaluation to measure effectiveness and suggest improvements.
  • Help coordinate transportation for residents as needed for employment, court, or child reunification efforts.

Spiritual & Emotional Support

  • Foster a Christ-centered environment by engaging residents in faith-based discussions, discipleship, and encouragement.
  • Model a life of faith and integrity, encouraging residents to grow spiritually and personally.
  • Participate in staff devotionals, prayer meetings, and mentorship efforts within the home.

Qualifications & Requirements

  • A growing and well-rooted relationship with Jesus Christ and alignment with the mission, vision, and values of Hannah House.
  • Experience/Education in Social Work, Psychology, Counseling, or a related field is a plus
  • Minimum 2 years of case management or related social services experience, preferably working with individuals in recovery or re-entry programs.
  • Strong organizational and administrative skills with attention to detail in documentation.
  • Ability to handle sensitive information with confidentiality and discretion.
  • Advocacy experience in legal and child welfare systems preferred.
  • Conflict resolution skills and ability to manage challenging situations with grace and accountability.
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Outlook) and case management software.
  • Valid driver’s license, vehicle registration, and insurance (required for transporting residents when needed).
  • Ability to work flexible hours, including some evenings and weekends as required.

Schedule & Compensation

  • Full-time, 40+ hours per week, with flexibility.
  • Salary dependent upon experience.
  • Benefits include:
    • Health Insurance Reimbursement Plan
    • Retirement Matching Program (after one full year)
    • Paid vacation and holidays
  • Participation in weekly staff meetings, training, and professional development is required.

Application Process

Interested candidates should submit a resume, cover letter, and references to

Required Meetings:

  • Monthly CLDI Staff Meeting
  • Monthly Corporate Worship
  • Weekly Bible Study at Hannah House


This executive, exempt position will require approximately 40+ hours per week. Work hours allow flexibility. Compensation is determined by the candidate’s experience, and through comparative analysis to other equivalent positions. Benefit package includes Health Insurance Reimbursement Plan, Employee Retirement Matching Program (becomes eligible after one full year of employment), paid vacation and holidays. We believe ministry flows out of a healthy personal and family life; we are committed to helping our employees to live with a measure of balance and boundaries, including engaging in regular learning opportunities.

*This position description in no way states or implies that these are the only duties to be performed. You will be expected to follow any additional job-related instructions and to perform additional job-related duties as requested by your supervisor.

Hannah House Ministries Overview

Hannah House Ministries serves women in crisis by facilitating basic life skills, connection to community resources/programs for resume and employment opportunities, HiSET/financial support training, access to relational guidance through certified counselors, along with offering a transitional sober living home for vulnerable women (the Hannah House). We provide ongoing guidance through long standing relationships nurtured over time with the women we serve.  The Hannah House, our transitional sober living home, serves women in recovery from addiction coming out of prison, homelessness, drug rehabilitation programs, and pregnant mothers and/or mothers with small children who are without a home or stable living environment.

Women who apply to live at the Hannah House and/or seek our services come from a variety of living situations, but they share the same common reasons for desiring services:

  • They recognize their current inadequacy to create a stable home environment for themselves and their children;
  • Most women, due to unforeseen pregnancies, job loss, spousal abuse, addiction, and homelessness, have lost hope and are searching for loving interventions without judgment;
  • They do not have the resources of money, knowledge, skills, and connections to secure housing or good employment;
  • Many aren’t able to provide positive rental history and credible contacts for landlords and employers seeking references;
  • The rent ($425) is more affordable than most one-bedroom rentals. The security deposit is built into their monthly rent and not required up front; and lastly,
  • They are hungry at their core for real love. Hannah House Ministries is managed by women who love Jesus Christ. Better still, they introduce women to the God who loves them perfectly, something that many women and children who walk through our doors have never heard and experienced before.

The Goals of the Hannah House are to:

  • Provide a stable/sober living environment – The Hannah House provides a stable living environment by maintaining a basic set of “expectations,” which includes a curfew, unannounced room checks, a mandatory weekly house meeting, and cooperative house chores.  As women comply with these basic expectations, they learn by habit to plan ahead, to work with people they are living with, and to pull their own weight as a member of a household. Their children benefit from the consistent place to sleep at night and from the communication, work, and parenting skills their mothers are learning and implementing.
  • Create space where the Gospel of Jesus can be heard and demonstrated – Our goal is for women to understand that they are worth investing time in because they have been made in God’s image, they are God’s creation, and therefore, they are loved by God.  If God has called them valuable, we treat them as such, regardless of the good and bad choices they have made or things that have been done to them.  We have very basic, foundational-level Bible studies coupled with our weekly house dinner and meeting.  Many women who move into the Hannah House have never heard the Gospel, or have a highly skewed idea of who God is and what love truly means.  These Bible studies have been crucial to introducing (or re-introducing) women to the God who can heal their souls.
  • Provide the essential basic life skills, assisting these women to make better choices for themselves and their child(ren) once they have graduated from the Hannah House – Lastly, we teach women basic life skills that many of them were never taught as children.  The main skill is communication with people they share “home” with. They share bathrooms and have common living areas so conversations often come up regarding different ways to keep things clean and organized.  As the inevitable conflicts arise, they learn how to resolve them peacefully. They learn to put their children’s welfare before their own, so we help them navigate community resources, parenting classes, HiSet classes at the Lincoln Center, etc.  Oftentimes, they have never experienced the need to provide for themselves and their children by working for money to pay the bills at a job in the community.  We come alongside them and hold them accountable to pay their bills and prioritize their time so that they can meet educational goals while working hard to pay rent and meet their financial obligations.

CLDI Ministry Values


CLDI seeks transformed lives through the gospel by rebuilding lives, restoring families

and re-neighboring communities.

Core Values

Gospel Response – As we lean into the needs and fabric of the community, we believe there is a gospel response to the brokenness among us.

Imago Dei – We believe that all people are made in the image of God and therefore have intrinsic value and worth and have a capacity to know, love, delight in, and worship the one true God.

Integrity – It is our aim to live and work in a manner that is pleasing to the Lord, to be accountable to Him in valuing people, honesty, transparency, and truthfulness.

Relationally Based – We believe that people have been made for relationships with God and community; thus, our primary focus is on relationships rather than programs, believing it is the best means for Jesus to be displayed and experienced.

The Primary Works revolve around these three venues:

Community Revitalization – As the people of God, we are called to seek the shalom—the wholeness, completeness, wellness, and welfare—of those we live among, especially among the most marginalized and vulnerable. Therefore, governments, schools, businesses, neighbors, and personal affairs are all part of the big picture of pointing all people to a life of knowing, loving, and following Jesus and experiencing life in Him.

Outreach – CLDI seeks to serve individuals and places that have experienced the margins of isolation, neglect, and brokenness. Since the late 1970s we have made our “home” in one of the most marginalized neighborhoods of our city. Through the practice of immersing ourselves among those we serve, it is our desire to build relationships and do life together as we seek to share with others the hope, love, joy, and purpose we have found in the person of Jesus.

Discipleship – Through all of our various efforts in the community, our aim is to make Jesus the Hero of the story as we call people to the abundant life found only in Him. As we make disciples to know and follow the teachings of Jesus, lives will be transformed in heart, mind, body, and soul as they embrace His kingdom principles. Not only will individual lives be transformed by the power of the gospel, but as disciples in turn make disciples, families and communities will be impacted as they experience God’s peace, rule, and justice.

Statement of Faith

  • We believe that the Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God. It is God’s revelation of Himself to mankind. Therefore, the Bible is Truth and is our authority in all matters of life and ministry. (1 Thessalonians 2:13, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, and 2 Peter 1:12)
  • We believe in God revealed in three persons. We believe God is our Creator, and therefore, we are accountable to Him. We believe in God who is both equally and completely loving and holy. (Acts 17:24-27, Exodus 34:6-7, and 1 John 4:6)
  • We believe that sin entered the world through the Fall of Adam and Eve. We believe that all mankind is conceived and born in this lost and fallen state. We believe that the result of this sin is death and eternal separation from God, our Creator. (Genesis 3:1-6, Romans 5:12, 1 John 1:8, Romans 3:23, Hebrews 9:27, Romans 6:23, Matthew 25:32-33, 41)
  • We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, sinless life, death, bodily resurrection, personal return, and present exaltation at God’s right hand. (John 1:1-17, 1 John 3:5, Mark 16:19, Acts 1:11)
  • We believe in the resurrection of the saved to everlasting life and joy in heaven and the resurrection of the unsaved unto everlasting punishment. (Matthew 25:32-41, 2 Thessalonians 1:5-10, Revelation 20:15, Revelation 21:4)
  • We believe in salvation from God’s punishment and to eternal life by God’s grace through faith in the perfect life, substitutionary death, and shed blood of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. (1 Peter 1:18-19, 1 Corinthians 15: 3, 1 Peter 3:18)
  • We believe that God’s great call and commission to His people is to live lives obedient to His Word and to go into all the world to preach the good news of Jesus Christ to all people, baptizing and discipling all those who believe. (Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 1:8, 1 Thessalonians 4:1-7, 1 Peter 2:9)
  • We believe that God created and sanctioned marriage to bring together men and women, the complementary halves of humanity, by joining them in “one-flesh” unions (Gen 2:18-25). Additionally, we believe marriage is between one man and one woman for life and uniquely reflects Christ’s relationship with His Church. (Ephesians 5:21-33)
  • We believe God wonderfully and immutably creates each person as male or female, and these distinct, complementary genders together reflect the image and nature of God. (Genesis 1:26-27)
  • We believe that all human life is sacred and created by God in His image. Human life is of inestimable worth in all its dimensions, including pre-born babies, the aged, the physically or mentally challenged, and every other stage or condition from conception through natural death. We are therefore called to defend, protect, and value all human life. (Psalm 139)

*This Statement of Faith does not exhaust the extent of our beliefs. The Bible itself, as the inspired and infallible Word of God that speaks with final authority concerning truth, morality, and the proper conduct of mankind, is the sole and final source of all that we believe. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

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