No 6: Abundant Joy!

Jun 1, 2024

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Dear CLDI Family and Friends,

The best things in life are usually worth waiting for. That is the phrase that comes to mind when I think about Kelsey and my journey in growing our family. Some of you know our story, and others might be surprised, but we are overjoyed to share some wonderful news with you all. On February 14th, a day already filled with love and celebration, our family joyfully welcomed our precious son, Luther, through adoption. This journey has been one of faith, hope, and abundant blessings. It has been years in the making and has brought us immense joy, sleepless nights, nerves, and, most importantly, so much love.

We wanted to give you a personal update to provide a window into who we are and who our family is becoming. As we have navigated this journey over the past year, we are continually reminded of the profound impact that community and faith have on our lives. Our journey with Luther will continue to develop over many more years, and your prayers are greatly appreciated. Your prayers, support, and encouragement have meant the world to us. Thank you for being a part of our journey and for your unwavering support. May God bless you abundantly, as He has blessed us.





Currently reading & listening.

“Rare Leadership” by Marcus Warner and Jim Wilder explores the concept of leadership through the lens of emotional intelligence and brain science. The authors emphasize the importance of relational skills, advocating for a leadership style that prioritizes joy, maintains relational connection, and fosters maturity. They propose the acronym RARE to outline the key traits of effective leaders: they remain Relational, Act like themselves, Return to joy, and Endure hardship well. By integrating these principles, the book provides a framework for leaders to build trust, resilience, and a healthy organizational culture, leading to improved team performance and overall success.

CLDI Monthly Snapshot

  • Summer is in full swing at Rail//Line Coffee! Our patio and garage doors are open, and we are excited to let the sunshine in and serve all of our customers.
  • Intern recruitment and hiring is taking place now–please pray for this process and the class of 2024-2025
  • School is out! We have a full summer schedule with Wyldlife Camp, Camp on the Boulder, Young Life Camp, and lots of outdoor activities.
  • CLDI is hosting a Bingo Night on June 23rd at the Gathering Place. It is a $1.00 per bingo card, so come out with your family to win some fun prizes and to support sending our youth to summer camps!

Scripture to Meditate On

For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love, he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will

Ephesians 1:4-5



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