No. 5: Becoming an Authentic Neighbor

May 12, 2023

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Dear CLDI Family and Friends,

My wife and I have lived in the South Side for the last 4 years, and I am just realizing that being an authentic neighbor is more than just physically moving closer. It means recognizing the God-given worth of our neighbors and creating occasions to engage and walk alongside them. Living in proximity is not just physical but means life is shared. When we open ourselves up to sharing life with our neighbors, we will hear God’s call to share with them our time, attention, and resources.

Looking to the early Church, we see a powerful example of what it means to be an authentic neighbor. Christians of all backgrounds came together to draw near to those who were sick and forgotten, sacrificially giving of themselves to serve others. This self-giving love is only possible when we have received the love of Christ in abundance, and it overflows into a powerful love for our neighbors.

As modern-day Christians, we are called to follow this example and boldly proclaim that we are here, we are close, and we care deeply about the dignity of people. By doing so, we can point our neighbors to the great love of God, who first loved us and continues to show us mercy. Let’s live out our calling to be authentic neighbors, walking alongside those who are suffering and reminding them that they are not forgotten.

CLDI Monthly Snapshot

  • Our Youth Works team partnered with Bethel Baptist Church to take a crew of 16 students to the “Get Real” conference last weekend! They had fun worshipping, playing games, and growing closer to God alongside Middle and High Schoolers.
  • At the Hannah House, we have two new residents moving in over the next couple of weeks. This means we have had two residents successfully transition out in the month of April!
  • Two of our apprentices are closing out their senior year in high school. Pray that they soak up the last moments and calm their nerves for what is next. The Lord knows what is in store for them, and whatever it may be, that it will be life-giving and successful.

Currently reading & listening

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  • A friend shared this video with me and it has reminded me that the work we do at CLDI can not be void of being in relationship.
  • I am reading The Power of Proximity by Michelle Ferrigno Warren. This book is reminding me how the move into proximity needs to be.

Scripture to Meditate On

“And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe[d] came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.”

Acts 2:42-47

This scripture continues to remind me of the unity of the Church. How when we share life together we are a witness to those around us. When we care for one another it is a reminder that God

The question I want to leave you with is how do we share life in a deeper more meaningful way with our neighbors?

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