No 12: The Christmas Season

Dec 1, 2023

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Dear CLDI Family and Friends,

Advent is here, and it marks a season of anticipation and reflection, a period where we align ourselves with the rhythm of the church calendar, tuning our hearts and minds to a time of waiting and preparation for the coming King. The Advent tradition is deeply rooted in Christian history. It brings us back to the narrative of Jesus’ birth as recounted in the Gospel of Matthew. Here, we find a story rich with humble beginnings, unexpected journeys, and the unfolding of a divine plan. This weekend, the first candle of the Advent wreath, traditionally known as the Candle of Hope, will be lit, symbolizing the expectation and hopeful anticipation of the coming of Christ. Its flickering flame serves as a reminder of the hope that Jesus’ birth brings to the world, illuminating the darkness with the promise of renewal and light.

This hope we look to in the Christmas story is explicitly articulated by the Angel talking to Joseph Matthew 1:21 declaring, “She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” The Greek word for ‘save’ here is ‘sōzō’, a term that appears over a hundred times in the New Testament. ‘Sōzō’ signifies more than just salvation from sin; it implies keeping safe and sound, rescuing from danger or destruction, whether it’s from physical peril, illness, or spiritual threat. This word paints a picture of holistic salvation – it’s about healing, restoration, and preservation from all forms of destruction and peril.

The hope we bring to our neighborhood through the Gospel is dynamic and immediate, resonating with the promise of tangible change and healing in the present. It’s not just about the assurance of salvation from eternal separation from God; it’s also about experiencing the transformative power of the Gospel in our everyday lives. This hope manifests in real and practical ways, offering healing, support, and rescue from the challenges we face now. It’s a message that uplifts, restores and empowers, showing that the Gospel’s impact is as relevant and vital today as it is in the promise of a future eternity.

Currently reading & listening







John Perkins’ One Blood serves as his final words of encouragement to the church, focusing on Christian Community Development, a crucial aspect of the work we are engaged in on the South Side of Billings.

CLDI Monthly Snapshot

  • The Hannah house hosted a Friendsgiving. Over 65 people showed up. It was a mix of staff, interns, past interns, residents, past residents, and volunteers!
  •  The Christmas Store is in full swing! If you would like to donate, volunteer, or shop, click here
  • The interns are all signed up for the Perspectives course starting in January. This fifteen-week class will begin on Mondays in January. We would love to have anyone interested to join in–the class will be happening in the Gathering Place. Check out more information here.

Scripture to Meditate On

“She will bring a son to birth, and when she does, you, Joseph, will name him Jesus – ‘God saves’ – because he will save his people from their sins.”

Matthew 1:21



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