Hello friends of CLDI!
I hope that you had an excellent Thanksgiving. In light of the holiday, my being out of town last week, and a slow-down with the project, we delayed sending an update. However, here is a snapshot of the work that has been completed:
For the South building, the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing rough-in is complete, and we are ready to hang sheetrock! However, we are still waiting for our shower pans to arrive; there is a nationwide shortage of these. Who knew! The electrical and plumbing rough-in for the North building is complete, and we are now wrapping up the mechanical. We also started the excavation for the carport in the alley.
In the weeks to follow, we anticipate hanging and taping the sheetrock in the South building, wrapping up the North building with the mechanical and insulation so that we can sheetrock this building after the South building is complete. For the site work, assuming the weather cooperates, we will finish the excavation and pour concrete for the carpet and patios.
Financial Update. You all have been SO SUPPORTIVE of this project! Thank you. To date, to fully fund this project, we have a deficit of less than $300k! Here are some benefits of fully funding these housing initiatives: 1) No debt or at least minimal debt is always good!; 2) It allows CLDI to set our rents below market value as the folks we are serving are low-income (we desire to provide excellent quality, affordable housing to the working class in need of affordable housing); 3) The funds generated by these rents, in turn, are reinvested back into the community in the form of supporting other development initiatives or helping offset the costs of our ministries, such as Youth Works, Hannah House, the RL Apprenticeship Program, and the CLDI internship. That said, when you give to this project, you are making an investment that continues to grow and multiply for years to come.
Musings. Recently I asked a friend doing great Christian community development work in Denver, “What do you see as being paramount to ensure the flourishing among vulnerable communities?” His response? “Housing! Housing is catalytic. Without it, upward mobility is next to impossible.”
Housing is catalytic. As part of our gospel work in the South Side, we aim to lean into the needs of the community as we believe there is a gospel response to the gaps we identify. One such need is housing, especially for those who are low-income and may have a poor rental history or criminal background. As part of our gospel work in the South Side, this is one way we can lovingly, holistically engage our community, for housing is, in fact, catalytic to the transformation of an individual, especially when it is coupled with the gospel.
If you didn’t see it, we are excited to announce Tapestry Apartments, a new housing initiative to which we hope to break ground in the summer of 2022. To learn more, click here.
If you would like to tour the work of CLDI in the South Side, please email me, and we will make it happen!
God bless.
Two buildings at 114 South 29th Street, right, and 118 South 29th Street, are number two on the city’s quarterly “Dirty Dozen” list. Pictured WednesdA reminder of the property looked like not too long ago!ay, February 20, 2019. Burrr. Winter came! HVAC getting close to being done. Gearing up for our covered parking. South Side Living – some of the ongoing challenges Coming along – living room and kitchen space Getting some needed dirt work done before the cold weather comes. We have insulation in one building We got a start on the siding South Side Living – Colin making pancakes for our staff meeting South Side Living – family walks Praise the Lord! Demolition next door happend with one of the two houses!!