Perception is Everything

In July 2011, I started a project as a VISTA. My assignment is to develop an adult literacy program targeting the South Side of Billings where statistically, the needs are the highest. As I’ve learned by assessing, comparing, computing, and picking people’s brains for...

My Community Pt. 4

My community is an open one. It continues to surprise me how open the people are with what goes on in their lives. Well-to-do neighbors and friends of the suburban culture are uneasy with vulnerability. They hide the embarrassing problems in their relationships with...

A HUGE Praise

This is too big to not mention… how awesome is our God? On a regular basis I make it a priority to spend time either walking or running (quite literally) the streets of my community, the South Side. It does a few things for me… 1) provides time to “view” the...

2010-2011 Fellowship House Reflections

Nine months. When I first moved to Billings back in August, I remember thinking that nine months was going to feel like an eternity. Sitting here now on May 26th, all I can think of is, “Where did the time go?” It simply flew by, and trust me when I say this, I wish...