Nepal Exposure Trip

Nepal Exposure Trip

As part of the Fellowship House, our intern program to recruit and encourage kingdom-minded, eternally focused disciples of Jesus Christ, we lead the interns on an international trip to the 10/40 Windowto expose them to God’s heart for the nations.  This past February...
If, Then

If, Then

Recently I read through the book of Leviticus as Moses was instructed by the Lord as to how the people of God were to pursue holiness and so remain in relationship with Him.  Every time I read through the Old Testament I am amazed by the abundant patience, grace, and...

Come Lord Jesus, Come!

As we enter into a season of advent, we celebrate the arrival of the promised Messiah.  700 years prior to the birth of Jesus, Isaiah prophesied the coming of One who would bring justice, hope, and love:“Then a shoot will spring from the stem of Jesse, and a...

How Did I End Up in Billings?

*The following is written by a current CLDI/Fellowship House intern, Sarah Beth. Having graduated from Covenant College this past spring, Sarah Beth joined us in September to participate in a nine-month internship to: live in the community we serve, work alongside...