Saturday Stroll

Saturday Stroll

*The following article contains some controversial language used by those depicted in the story. It was a beautiful Saturday morning, and a rare one at that as at 7:30am all of my kids were still asleep.  Having been up for some time to read, pray, and be with the...
Loving Your Enemies

Loving Your Enemies

Jesus said, “You have heard it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’  But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes the sun to rise on the evil...
Beautiful Moments

Beautiful Moments

*The following blog is written by Kaylee Thompson.  Kaylee strives to make the gospel known and disciple young people in the South Side of Billings as part of our youth program we refer to as Youth Works. This winter to spring has absolutely flown by in my world....
Kingdom Ethics

Kingdom Ethics

On a regular basis I am confronted with the question:  Is Jesus truly worth following?  I don’t mean the Jesus that our culture propagates, but rather, the Jesus of the Bible.  He Himself calls us to consider the cost, for the way of following Him is one of laying...