Tapestry Friday Update: Week 39

Tapestry Friday Update: Week 39

Hello, CLDI friends & family, Progress continues at Tapestry, with the feeder wire being installed this week. The feeder wire is the main power that goes into each of our 27 units. From the outside, our steel siding continues to be installed and will be ongoing...

Tapestry Friday Update: Week 30

Tapestry Friday Update: Week 30

Hello Friends of CLDI, This officially makes 30 weeks since we began building Tapestry! It's been incredible to see the hard work and dedication of those invested in seeing Tapestry completed. This week we are finishing up the 3rd-floor interior electrical. All the...

Tapestry Friday Update: Week 23

Tapestry Friday Update: Week 23

Hello friends! I hope this spring weather is finding you well. We are thankful for the spring showers, green grass, tulips, and budding trees! It is a reminder of the HOPE we have in Him. Despite the hard realities that surround us (in our city and world), we have...

Tapestry Friday Update: Week 22

Tapestry Friday Update: Week 22

Happy Spring CLDI friends! Here is a quick update, the 3rd floor is up! We are so pleased with the quick and steady progress being made. It's been fun to look out CLDI's window each week and watch Tapestry being built from the ground up. With your help, you are making...

Tapestry Friday Update: Week 19

Tapestry Friday Update: Week 19

Hello Friends of CLDI! Great progress this week as the first floor has been framed out and decked! Monday will be an exciting day as the crane will be on site to set the second story walls that have been built off-site! Have a great weekend. -Kaleb