A Kingdom Vision: Part 3

A Kingdom Vision: Part 3

As we have started our new blog series called “Kingdom Vision,” I wanted to share some stories about the impact that the gift of time and talents has on those we serve. There are always needs, and simple acts of service can go so far. Enjoy this blog written by our...

A Kingdom Vision: Part 1

A Kingdom Vision: Part 1

By Eric Basye A Glorious Kingdom When my youngest daughter Aida was very young, she would ask me to tell her a “dragon story” nearly every night. Typically, these stories took place in a medieval setting, complete with an impressive castle that was clean and pristine....

A Changed Perspective: Made to Create

A Changed Perspective: Made to Create

By Eric Basye, November 2020 *The following is part of a series called “A Changed Perspective” to challenge the way in which we view the world, culture, people, and places from a biblical perspective. Undoubtedly, for Christ followers to live in the world but not be...



*The following is part of a series called “A Changed Perspective” to challenge the way in which we view the world, culture, people, and places from a biblical perspective. Undoubtedly, for Christ followers to live in the world but not be of the world is a challenging...

Mzungu! Where Are You Going? by Ashley Hatmaker

Mzungu! Where Are You Going? by Ashley Hatmaker

*This past July, Ashley Hatmaker, a CLDI Youth Works staff, took one of our South Side youth, Sabrina, on a 3 week mission trip to Uganda. We have been blessed to work with Sabrina the past six years and watch her grow into a young woman passionately in love with...

Jesus, the Only True Answer

Jesus, the Only True Answer

*The following was written by Erika Musser, a Class of 2018 CLDI Intern. We are blessed to host such amazing, passionate, and sincere disciples of Jesus such as Erika through our internship program. For her job placement, she worked at Family Promise and will become a...