No. 8: Breaking the Cycle

Aug 1, 2024

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Dear CLDI Family and Friends,

We all have unique life experiences that shape the paths we take and the causes we care about. For me, family has been a significant influence. Reflecting on my journey, I’ve witnessed the challenges faced by some of my extended family members and the ways my parents care for people and support others. These experiences have shown me the cyclical nature of repeated choices and how cycles of hardship often start. Whether it’s old trauma or recent pain, the impact on families can be profound and long-lasting.

Growing up, I saw these challenges firsthand and learned the importance of supportive relationships during tough times. These experiences ignited a passion in me to work toward breaking these cycles and helping others find hope and healing. That’s why I’m committed to our organization’s mission: to offer a supportive community where individuals can find strength and resilience to overcome their circumstances.

My work is driven by the desire to see families thrive and to witness lives transformed through the power of gospel-centered communities. By addressing the root causes of these challenges, we can create lasting change and empower individuals to build better futures. This work is not just a job for me; it’s a calling to serve and make a difference in the lives of those who need it most.

Currently reading & listening.

“Return Flight” by Robert D. Lupton delves into the complexities of community development and urban ministry, drawing from the author’s extensive experience in revitalizing inner-city neighborhoods. Lupton shares insights and stories from his work, highlighting both the successes and challenges of fostering sustainable change in economically disadvantaged areas. The book emphasizes the need for a holistic approach that goes beyond charity, focusing on empowerment, partnership, and long-term investment in people and places. Lupton’s narrative encourages readers to rethink traditional methods of service and to engage in practices that promote dignity, self-sufficiency, and community ownership.

CLDI Monthly Snapshot

  • Gracepoint Church blessed the Hannah House with an amazing BBQ, where we got the chance to reconnect with eight previous residents! 
  • This was the last week for our 23-24 intern class! We had a wonderful celebratory lunch, and they went to their final intern retreat. 
  • This month, we had one Hannah House resident successfully transition out and into a KMC property. We are excited that she will continue to stay connected with the Hannah House and live on the South Side.

Scripture to Meditate On

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained from the world.

James 1:27


Kaleb Perdew

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