Christian Community Development

Christian Community Development

"Christian community development should help us attain a mental image of how our community will look in the future when God is in control when his kingdom has come 'on earth as it is in heaven.'"[1] Urban Ministry  Twenty years ago, I was on the cusp of...

Mosaic Senior Cottage Update – Week 23

Hello friends! I hope that you all are well! We are excited about the progress of Mosaic Senior Cottages! The sidewalks and porches have been poured, as the supports for the carports are in the ground! Not only is the outside taking shape, but the trim is being...

Mosaic Senior Cottage Update – Week 21

Hey there friends of CLDI! Just a quick update. We are so thankful for the warmer weather. The construction site is coming along! With the forms prepped and ready to go, the ground thawing out, we hope to pour concrete next week! Meanwhile, trim is going up inside the...

Mosaic Senior Cottage Update – Week 20

Hello friends! I hope and trust you had a blessed Christmas and Happy New Year! My family and I were able to spend a very snowy Christmas in Alpine, Wyoming with my immediate family. We certainly enjoyed seeing family and playing in the snow as we built snow forts,...

We Had it Good in Egypt

We Had it Good in Egypt

The Providence of God Reflecting on the life of Joseph, the younger brother who had been sold into slavery by his own family, I am always amazed by the providence of God to fulfill a more excellent plan. For many years, Joseph served as a slave and then was imprisoned...

Guide for an “End of Year Reflection”

Guide for an “End of Year Reflection”

This tool, created by Arrow Leadership, was shared with us by a CLDI friend, Steve Moses. We found it very valuable so we wanted to pass it along to you! "Taking time for reflection is a critical practice. Reflection fosters learning, stimulates growth, calls for...

Mosaic Senior Cottage Update – Week 18

Friends of CLDI, First off, I hope and pray you have an extraordinary day as we celebrate the birth of Christ. Just this week, I was reflecting on Psalm 47, which says, "Clap your hands, all you peoples; shout to God with a jubilant cry. For Yahweh, the Most High, is...

Mosaic Senior Cottage Update – Week 17

First off, it is official, I have given in to Lisa's influential spirit - we will be referring to this project as the Mosaic Senior Cottages going forward! A great name and picture of the community we pray this will be for our senior friends! Good job Lisa!...

Mosaic Senior Housing Update – Week 16

Hello friends of CLDI! I hope that you had an excellent Thanksgiving. In light of the holiday, my being out of town last week, and a slow-down with the project, we delayed sending an update. However, here is a snapshot of the work that has been completed: For...

On Gratitude

On Gratitude

A Joyful Commitment As the chapter turns for another year gone by, we cannot help but be filled with gratitude. The Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible defines gratitude as a: natural expression of thanks in response to blessings, protection, or love. [Gratitude] is not a...