

*The following is written by a friend and sister-in-Christ, Mandy.  A few weeks back I (Eric) had the privilege of sitting with her on the front porch of the Hannah House as she shared her story of transformation with me.  Though I had not initially remembered, I had...

Gospel Intentionality

Gospel Intentionality

For those of us in Christian circles, when you think of the word ministry, what comes to mind?  If you had to describe what ministry was, or who was responsible for such activity, what would you say?  According to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, ministry is defined as...

South Side Christmas Store

South Side Christmas Store

Community Leadership & Development, Inc. (CLDI) seeks to foster transformation and redevelopment in the South Side, Billings’ oldest and most marginalized neighborhood.  As part of this effort, our CLDI staff have invested in this community as residents of the...

Meet Jim and Patty

Meet Jim and Patty

In seeking to encourage transformation of the South Side and its residents, the works of CLDI are targeted toward community revitalization, outreach, and discipleship.  In regard to community revitalization, CLDI is committed to seek the shalom of our city, and in...