Moving to the South Side has not been what I expected. To be honest, I’m not quite sure what I expected! It must have been something along the lines of becoming best friends with all our neighbors and having deep conversations with them all the time. So far we’ve only...
CLDI Internship Reflections
So, it's never been more obvious that I can do nothing apart from Christ. I can't get out of bed well without His abiding presence. I can't even do a good job speaking with someone, unless Christ indwells my everything. This time as an intern has simultaneously...
Through New Eyes by Ashley Hatmaker
I’ve lived in Billings my entire life, and I’m embarrassed to say that I’ve grown up with, and maintained, a pretty negative view of the South Side. “Don’t go there.” “Don’t hang out there.” “Don’t hang out with people who hang out there.” “And, by all means, don’t...
A Taste of Kindness
*The following is written by a former intern who spent a significant portion of her time with Hannah House Ministries. I intentionally played Jesus music whenever I picked her up. Once I even started singing under my breath the words to “Amazing Grace/My Chains are...