

*The following reflection was written by one of CLDI’s newest interns, Colin Sauskojus. We are thankful for His provision of such gifted, talented, and Jesus-oriented young people to further our gospel work in the South Side of Billings. At this time, I was in the...



*The following is Part 1 of 2 journal reflections written while on sabbatical as my family and I traveled overseas this past June. I feel frustrated, vocationally speaking. For a number of months, I have lacked a sense of passion in what I do. I am finding that I am...

Messy Abundance

Messy Abundance

I love the freshness that comes with the beginning of a New Year. As a creature of habit, much to the dismay of my wife and kids at times, I function best when I align myself with healthy rhythms in my life. One such rhythm is that of seeing the New Year as a season...

Light of the World

Light of the World

Over the past number of weeks, I have had the privilege of more thoroughly studying the book of Zechariah, a minor prophet in the Old Testament, written half a millennium before the birth of Christ. One commentator notes that Zechariah was arguably one of the most...

How NOT to Love Your Neighbor

How NOT to Love Your Neighbor

*The following blog was written 8 years ago in the fall of 2010. Today I was confronted with one of the most basic, yet comprehensive teachings of Jesus – love God and love your neighbor as yourself.  One would think that after years of studying His Word and trying to...

Mzungu! Where Are You Going? by Ashley Hatmaker

Mzungu! Where Are You Going? by Ashley Hatmaker

*This past July, Ashley Hatmaker, a CLDI Youth Works staff, took one of our South Side youth, Sabrina, on a 3 week mission trip to Uganda. We have been blessed to work with Sabrina the past six years and watch her grow into a young woman passionately in love with...

Jesus, the Only True Answer

Jesus, the Only True Answer

*The following was written by Erika Musser, a Class of 2018 CLDI Intern. We are blessed to host such amazing, passionate, and sincere disciples of Jesus such as Erika through our internship program. For her job placement, she worked at Family Promise and will become a...

Firmly Rooted

Firmly Rooted

Over the past 12 months it has been apparent to me that CLDI has been undergoing a season of transformation. Needless to say, a lot has happened since June of 2017. For one, we started the renovation of the old Labor Building (otherwise known as Katapheugó) in August...

Sins and Souls

Sins and Souls

When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, “Will you give me a drink?” (His disciples had gone into the town to buy food.) The Samaritan woman said to him, “You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?” (For Jews do not...

Seeing God at Work in the Lives of South Side Youth

Seeing God at Work in the Lives of South Side Youth

*The following is a reflection from our Youth Works staff to give testimony of the ways the Lord was at work in the lives of our students last summer. As we lean into a fast-approaching summer, perhaps this will lead you in how to pray for our Youth Works staff and...