A Kingdom Vision: Fully Immersed, Part 10

A Kingdom Vision: Fully Immersed, Part 10

A blog series on “Kingdom Vision”; to live and orient our lives according to His ways. By Eric Basye "Evangelism is necessary but insufficient by itself to untangle the complexities of poverty, some that date back generations. Effective poverty-fighters, particularly...

Rerouted: An Internship Update

Rerouted: An Internship Update

I love the excitement that comes with making new plans. As I pack my bag, buy travel-size toiletries, and stash some cash for last-minute snacks, I start to envision the adventure that lies ahead. I can feel the butterflies in my stomach as I picture the plane lifting...

Serving Through Summer

Serving Through Summer

Dear friends of CLDI, Summer has arrived! I love summer – the warm weather, clear days, the big Montana sky, green grass, bright flowers, cookouts, and trips; what’s not to love! Like many of you, the summer provides a “seasonal shift” for us with our various works....

Restoration through Relationship:  An Intern’s Experience

Restoration through Relationship: An Intern’s Experience

One of the first things you see when you cross the train tracks to get over to the street where I now live is a sign that reads, “The South Side, the Bright Side of the Tracks”. I hadn’t noticed it the first time I came to the place I’m now calling home. Instead, I...

A Kingdom Vision: Part 3

A Kingdom Vision: Part 3

As we have started our new blog series called “Kingdom Vision,” I wanted to share some stories about the impact that the gift of time and talents has on those we serve. There are always needs, and simple acts of service can go so far. Enjoy this blog written by our...

A Kingdom Vision: Part 1

A Kingdom Vision: Part 1

By Eric Basye A Glorious Kingdom When my youngest daughter Aida was very young, she would ask me to tell her a “dragon story” nearly every night. Typically, these stories took place in a medieval setting, complete with an impressive castle that was clean and pristine....

This is My Neighborhood

This is My Neighborhood

*The following is part of a series called “A Changed Perspective” to challenge the way in which we view the world, culture, people, and places from a biblical perspective. Undoubtedly, for Christ followers to live in the world but not be of the world is a challenging...

His Name is Daniel

His Name is Daniel

*The following is part of a series called “A Changed Perspective” to challenge the way in which we view the world, culture, people, and places from a biblical perspective. Undoubtedly, for Christ followers to live in the world but not be of the world is a challenging...



*The following is part of a series called “A Changed Perspective” to challenge the way in which we view the world, culture, people, and places from a biblical perspective. Undoubtedly, for Christ followers to live in the world but not be of the world is a challenging...

A Christmas Reflection

A Christmas Reflection

*The following is part of a series called “A Changed Perspective” to challenge the way in which we view the world, culture, people, and places from a biblical perspective. Undoubtedly, for Christ followers to live in the world but not be of the world is a challenging...