

*The following is part of a series called “A Changed Perspective” to challenge the way in which we view the world, culture, people, and places from a biblical perspective. Undoubtedly, for Christ followers to live in the world but not be of the world is a challenging...

Firmly Rooted

Firmly Rooted

Over the past 12 months it has been apparent to me that CLDI has been undergoing a season of transformation. Needless to say, a lot has happened since June of 2017. For one, we started the renovation of the old Labor Building (otherwise known as Katapheugó) in August...

Sins and Souls

Sins and Souls

When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, “Will you give me a drink?” (His disciples had gone into the town to buy food.) The Samaritan woman said to him, “You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?” (For Jews do not...

Seeing God at Work in the Lives of South Side Youth

Seeing God at Work in the Lives of South Side Youth

*The following is a reflection from our Youth Works staff to give testimony of the ways the Lord was at work in the lives of our students last summer. As we lean into a fast-approaching summer, perhaps this will lead you in how to pray for our Youth Works staff and...

Did You Hear?

Did You Hear?

Did you hear? The Basye clan is moving overseas… or so we thought. Going back as far as our dating relationship, almost 17 years ago, Shelly and I have discussed and prayerfully considered our role in taking the gospel to the nations. In fact, we moved to Montana with...