Community on Mission

CLDI Internship

Join the Adventure

A Life-Changing Internship

Change your life while investing in the lives of others. Impact and serve the South Side community, build lifelong friendships, uncover your calling, build marketable skills, and have an EPIC time. Discover more about Jesus’s mandates for life in the heart of beautiful Montana.

Your adventure begins in August 2024.

Community on mission

In this Internship, you will get to experience what it’s like to be the hands and feet of Jesus with an opportunity to address material and relational poverty in Billings, Montana.  You will get to learn and use your God-given talents to help others tangibly experience the Gospel in the neighborhood of South Billings.

You will have an opportunity to invest in this community, while building lifelong relationships. During these eleven months you will be stretched, grown, and matured in ways you could not have imagined.

The connection to your mentor during this time will give you a better understanding of God’s desire for your life. Be prepared to have staff intentionally invest in you, build you up, and speak into your skills and strengths.

“God used the people at CLDI to show me who He is. His love. His faithfulness. His grace. His mercy. His patience. His kindness. His goodness. He showed me who He is through these people. This internship was exactly what I needed in this season of my life, and I am so so so thankful.”

What to Expect:

An Epic year


11-Month Paid Internship

Use your God given gifts, talents, and abilities to provide creative solutions to real needs.  Invest in Christ centered work while building your marketable skills. Let us also invest in you as a leader with mentorship a better understanding of God’s mandates and an opportunity to serve. You’re worth it! 


Housing Covered

Don’t let the worry of housing limit you over the next year. Don’t be plagued by the questions of… How do you find a place to live when you’ve never even been there?  No worries!  We got you! Our housing is not only within walking or biking distance of downtown, you also live in the neighborhood we work in!


An International Exposure Trip

 A change of place brings a change of perspective. See the world through the lens of the Gospel.  Let a different culture show you things about Jesus you would have never known staying put! We will spend ten days trekking through the 10-40 window witnessing first hand God’s work among the nations. 


Practical Experience for Your Resume

You will not be learning to file paper or make coffee (unless you work with us at our coffee shop, hehe) this opportunity will stretch, grow, and teach you to lead. Experience, skills, and training will be stacked in this internship so that at the end of your 11 months, your resume will be full of the very things your future employer wants to see.


Enjoy the mountains of the West

People say Montana is God’s country and you’ll get to discover the truth in that statement!  Billings is nestled on the east side of the Montana Rockies where beauty surrounds us and adventures await!  You like skiing, fishing, camping, hiking, rafting or mountain biking?  Then you’ll love living here with us for a year. 


Build Lifelong Friendships

Shared experiences build close relationships. You will be sharing life with your fellow incredible interns. Not only will your housing be taken care of, but you’ll get to live and build friendships with people as focused on Jesus as you!  Doing life together is always better!


Hands-on Job Experience

Many hands make light work! We are dependent on the interns to accomplish the work we do. You won’t just learn about the ministries of CLDI or just shadow and observe.  You’ll be shoulder to shoulder, fully immersed working with our staff! You get to do all the things that you’ve been considering as your career or calling.  Hands on and all in!


1:1 Mentorship

A part of what makes this year an epic one is the acceleration of growth that happens. Having a mentor will help you discover and uncover how God has wired you. You’ll walk in as one person and walk out an even better version of who God created you to be! Gaining wisdom from Godly women and men for your life is the mark of a great leader.

Apply Today!

There are 4 spots available.  We consider each application and fill spots as they come in.  Apply or submit your interest ASAP for the 11-month internship beginning  Fall 2024!

Not sure yet? Request a 15-minute phone call to get more information!

“Relationships for me are the key to life. You can have everything, but if you don’t have people that genuinely love you and care for you, you will never truly be happy. CLDI does an amazing job of not only helping me grow in my job and helping me find community, but the internship program also pushes me in my relationship with Jesus and how it looks for me to truly follow Him. And that relationship is the true key to life and where I get to truly flourish.”

~2020 Intern

4 Key Experiences

Have an EPIC year! Make lifelong friendships, get real-world work experience, and play outside surrounded by the beautiful landscapes of Montana.

Investing in you 


Gaining wisdom from those who have gone before you will help you understand how gospel truth should inform the way you think regarding your skills and gifts. 


Weekly reading from top leaders


1 on 1 mentoring relationships


Weekly curriculum on God's Mandates

Community Impact

Ministry Opportunities

You’ll experience what it’s like to minister to the needs of people in a real, heartfelt, hands-on, and feet to the ground sort of way.

Hannah House

Hannah House hopes to equip each woman we work with to have the relationships, skills, and mindset that will empower them to live purposeful, healthy lives.

As an intern, you will engage in day to day life with the women while also providing rides to appointments and planning community-building events for the house.  Individual case management with our house residents is also included.


Rail Line Coffee

A community development program that effectively stimulates basic education, motivation, job training, and business development within the context of the gospel. 

As a Rail//Line intern, you will focus on storytelling and creating community awareness through these stories. Platforms include all forms of social media – creating impact through pictures.

Youth Works

Youth Works’ mission is to ensure that every youth of the South Side has an opportunity to hear and to respond to the Gospel, and enjoy the connection of a healthy adult mentor and find the joys in life.

As an intern, you will have the opportunity to mentor kids, plan special events in God’s backyard (AKA the Rocky Mountains), and experience the joys of life with the kids. You will lead Bible studies and build intentional relationships.

Personal Growth

Uncovering your calling

Being made in the image of God, you are a finite expression of God’s infinite character.  He has placed a spark in you that will ignite a firey passion to join Him in the work of changing the world.  No one has done it or will do it like you do. 


Gifting Assessments


Imago Dei Investigation


Strength Finders Coaching

Career Preparedness

Leadership and Job Training

Your future employer will want to see “compentency” in your resume.  That includes education, skills, and experience.  We will give you all 3.


Program Development Experience


Corporate Presentations


Actionable Problem Solving

Apply for an Internship

There are 4 spots available.  We consider each application and fill spots as they come in.  Apply or submit your interest ASAP for the 11-month internship beginning Fall 2024!

Not sure yet? Request a 15-minute phone call to get more information!

Living life that is driven by the compelling love of Jesus is our greatest adventure! Follow a very big, deeply loving and an “immeasurably more” kind of God and your life will not only be more rich than you’ve dreamed of, but significantly meaningful.

I would like to invite you to become a CLDI intern and be challenged to grow in all areas of life, most importantly as a disciple of Jesus. Learn to love with intention. Learn to dive deep into truth. Sharpen the alignment of his heart for you and for others. With all of the brokenness that is around us, God is looking for the willing to become his hands and feet. Are you willing to use all that God gave you to love people into restoration?

I would ask you to seek the Lord and explore if this experience might be your next greatest adventure!

God’s richest blessings over you!

Kaylee, Internship Supervisor

Reach Out for More Info!

Contact Us

For more information or to apply for the internship, fill out the form or contact us:

Kaylee Thompson, Internship Supervisor

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What will I get paid?

Along with housing and utilities, you will receive a monthly stipend of $1200 pre-tax.

How long is the work week?

You will have a 30-35 hours working in ministry placement.  Expect to spend 5-10 hours a week on intern assignments and study.

Will I get time off?

You will get 10 days off around Christmas. You will also get most major holidays off. All vacation and holidays are paid. If you let us know about any other needed time off at the start of the internship we are happy to work with you.

How much discipleship curriculum reading will I have?

You will have to read between 50-100 pages a week and this will be on your own time. We will also spend 2 hours a week in a classroom setting discussing this material.

Will I have to fundraise?

Yes, as a buy-in for the internship we ask each intern to raise $3,500 to join in the investment for the year. This is less than 10% of the total cost of each intern.