A Faith-Based Recovery Home for Women

Hannah House

Forging a New Path

Restoring Hope

Our mission is to help women rebuild foundations for a life of abundant recovery by empowering them to find growth in faith, healing, skills, and healthy relationships.

A Recovery Home

Who We Are

The Hannah House is a recovery home for women coming from incarceration or recovering from an addiction. Our hope is to provide holistic healing and redemption for families. Our mission is to help women rebuild foundations for a life of abundant recovery by empowering them to find growth in faith, healing, skills, and healthy relationships. Based in Billings, Montana,we’ve come alongside hundreds of women recovering from drug and alcohol abuse since 2012.

We’re thankful to partner with Riverstone Health, Passages, the Women’s Prison, Child and Family Services, Probation and Parole, LaVie, local Drug Courts, YWCA, Dress for Success, HRDC, the Adult Education Center, professional counselors, Faith Chapel, and the Genesis Process.

A Faith-Based Recovery Home

Who Is This For?

We’re a home for women and children in recovery from drug and alcohol abuse. Women who apply for the Hannah House come from a variety of circumstances but share common reasons for services:


Desiring a stable home environment for herself and her children


Searching for intervention without judgment or shame from a life of battling addiction and cycles of relapse


Needing support to enter back into the community after incarceration


Wanting to become independent with life skills, sustainable employment, and secure housing


Aching for real love. The Hannah House is managed by women who love Jesus Christ and introduce women to the God who loves them perfectly.

For Women Seeking Change

Benefits & Expectations

The Hannah House is a place for women to feel safe, have a shoulder to cry on, and experience love unconditionally. Building trust after trauma and stability after chaos takes time, so we require a minimum commitment of nine months. Residents may be considered to move into one of our transitional homes to stay for 12-18 months. Our core expectation is to display a commitment to recovery and a willingness to grow. 

We’re a drug and alcohol-free environment with mandatory drug testing. Residents are required to fulfill treatment plans, court-ordered rulings, and follow our policies and procedures. Please find a copy of our handbook here.

Our proximity to downtown enables residents to access services independently.

A Holistic Approach

Our Process

Residents attend weekly Bible Studies, house activities and participate in a six-phase program with Intensive Case Management. This process was developed from a decade of learning and community collaborations. Main goals include:


Obtaining employment


Accessing community resources


Learning life skills & goal setting


Building healthy relationships


Healing from trauma with certified counselors


Growing as mothers & reunify with children*


Finding support in legal processes


Maintaining accountability & relationships after graduating


Creating a relapse prevention plan


Practicing financial management

*Women can work towards reunification with their children at the discretion of Child Protective Services and the order of the Court. The Hannah House partners closely with CPS  in these efforts. Residence at the Hannah House does not guarantee reunification. Recovery must be the priority of an applicant to be considered for our program.

Our Relapse Prevention Program

The Genesis Process

When God or life makes you willing to change, Genesis Process can make you able to change.  The Bible and other literature have told us for literally thousands of years that if we want to change who we are and what we do, we have to change our heart. This program helps us get to the heart (the root) and help bring wholeness and healing.

For more information on the Genesis Process please contact Jess at jessica@cldibillings.org


Real Stories

“The Hannah House helped me become strong in my faith and in my recovery. They taught me how to be a friend, mother, and follower of Jesus. The Hannah House gave me and my children a brighter future.” — Kelsey

“What brought me to the Hannah House was a crazy past… I needed something that had more stability; I needed something more solid that had accountability and help so I could have both of my children with me.” — Jolene

“The Hannah House helped me build healthy relationships for the first time in my life.” — Tabitha

Our Team

Tabitha Kroll

Hannah House Case Manager

I am a mother of seven, a wife and I too called the Hannah House home for a time. The Hannah House is where I learned how to build healthy relationships and love others well. To really learn what love is. My hope for the Hannah House is to love women the way I was loved and allow them a safe place where they can grow, experience the love of Jesus and begin to love themselves again. A place to start to heal. Many things excite me about working at the Hannah House; the reward of watching women and their children grow through their trauma is life-giving. As hard as it is to change, the reward is hope, dignity, joy, and the opportunity to begin anew.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Jeremiah 29:11

Jessica Smith

Hannah House Supervisor

The Hannah House is not just a place of refuge, it is a home. A place that I, personally, called home while learning to love myself again and reunify with my children. As a former resident and now House Supervisor, I endeavor to show the love of Jesus to the women and children who grace our doors. To teach them what it means to have a relationship with Jesus and to trust Him in ALL areas of their lives. The journey to where I am today was by no means easy. But, I believe that everything happens for a reason. As I step into the role of Supervisor, I believe God has called me to be a walking example of what will happen if you completely surrender your life to Him. I am excited and thankful for this opportunity to walk alongside and encourage the women and children of the Hannah House in their journeys to redemption.  

Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Jesus Christ. 

1 Thessalonians 5:18

Apply Today

Interested in applying for the Hannah House? We are always taking applications and would love to talk with you.