I (Eric) recently attended a couple of meetings involving faith leaders, business owners, politicians, City Council members, and city workers as we discussed ways in which to meet the needs of the 'chronically poor' in our city, as well as ways to encourage growth,...
Seeing Jesus
If you haven't ever read the Gospel of Mark, it is an action-packed study and portrayal of the major events of Jesus’ life. Before you even reach the end of chapter 1, Isaiah's prophecy is fulfilled in the life and ministry of John the Baptist; Jesus is baptized...
In the Midst, God is Faithful
*Hope Education Network, otherwise referred to as HEN, is a work focused on serving teens and young women in crisis as part of CLDI’s effort to seek the shalom of our community. It has been awhile since I have last posted on my blog. Life has served up...
A Final Word- A Societal Woe (Part 7)
At the turn of the New Year, we set out to spend several months to reflect upon the challenges we face today as it relates to womanhood, fatherhood, family, and motherhood (special thanks to our friends who contributed!). Though our world is under great...
Coffee Cards & Cupcakes
What is so important about coffee cards and cupcakes? Angie* is. A little background information: Angie was referred to me by my good friends Fred and Joan Nelson over a year ago. She is 22 years old, has a three year old daughter and is a single mom. The father...
Arms Raised Up
I have recently started manning the front desk of CLDI in the mornings. In the office bathroom hangs a little plaque that quotes 2 Thessalonians 3:13: “As for you brothers, never tire of doing what is right.” Reading this scripture day after day, I have been...
A Vision for Change
For the past several years, CLDI has targeted our efforts in a part of the South Side we refer to as the 300 Block (shown below). This distinct part of our community is mostly known for the 79 townhomes that were built in the late 1970’s as an affordable housing...
“‘Let us rejoice and be glad and give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come and His bride has made herself ready.’ It was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean; for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints. Then...
The Way of Redemption
As I pulled up to the Adullam House a couple of the men sat on the porch as they enjoyed one of our first spring-like days we had experienced in months. The Adullam House is a Christian home for men in transition, whether that be off the streets, out of the...
My Community Pt. 2
Before coming to Billings, Montana, I had never once in my life considered that I would be a construction worker. And after I had considered it and agreed, with much trepidation, to do it for nine months, I never once considered that I would love it. This has been one...