Stories of Redemption

Healing and Hope

Life Transformation

Our heart is to engage messy situations and broken people knowing that Jesus can heal and redeem. By developing relationships with our neighbors, we have the opportunity to expose them to a new path, a new opportunity, and hope for their future. These stores fuel us and light the fire in us to keep going. This is what makes it all worth it. 

Surviving to Thriving

Raquel, Promise, & Calvin

    “God has impacted so many people on the South Side through the pathways of CLDI.”

    Josh & Tabitha

      “The grace that was shown gave me the opportunity to build a relationship with God.”

      Life Before the Apprenticeship

      Rachael Cole

        “If I hadn’t done the apprenticeship program I feel like I would be missing out on a lot. To look back to where I first started and where I am now and what I’ve been talking about; it’s a lot of growth.”

        The 40 Year Story of


          “The work of CLDI really began as a grassroots movement in the late 1970’s with a group of really zealous, passionate followers of Jesus, burdened with the idea of what it looks like to love God and love my neighbor.”

          The Impact of Unstable Housing

          Layne Peters

            “I moved 20 times before high school. It affected my ability to make friends, succeed in school, my confidence, my identity…everything.”

            Affordable Housing Impact

            Dr. Brenda Roche

              “What CLDI does by giving them a 2nd chance, it’s more than giving them a roof over their head. It’s giving them their life back.”

              Affordable Housing Problem

              Tapestry Apartments

                “Stable homes are essential for the well-being of every individual. With the completion of Tapestry, CLDI will expand our ability to provide excellent places to live to nearly 100 individuals or 27 families on the South Side.”

                Rail//line Apprentice


                  “Work can be all about business.  Here, it’s about everyone, everything…yourself, others, learning and growing.  It’s about accomplishing goals.  It’s like you’re a family, Rail Line is pretty much my other family.”

                  The Heart of Youth Works


                    “When you’ve experienced trauma and hard things, especially kids, Jesus has a particular concern for people in those places and spaces so we want to be people that care…Investment in youth pays dividends in communities for the long run.”

                    Life Change Through Youth Works

                    Sabrina’s Story

                      “If I wouldn’t have met Kaylee [Youth Works leader] and really gave my life to Jesus, I probably wouldn’t have graduated highschool…I don’t think I’d be in a great place.”

                      When Love Broke Through

                      Raquel’s Story

                        “I wanted to be angry about every little thing.  Them showing me that they loved me made me really scared.  I pushed them away.  I had to reevaluate who was worth a position in my life and unfortunately, my family didn’t.”

                        Youth Works:  It’s a Family Affair

                        Kaleb’s Family

                          Kaleb, Youth Works Director, along with his wife Kelsey and his parents, Scott and Kammy, share how they love on the Youth Works kiddos!  “Ministry is life and life is ministry.”

                          Apprentice Spotlight

                          Christian Nava

                            “I want to change the meaning of my family name, and I think I can do it.”

                            An Unexpected Second Chance

                            Miss Louise

                              “I came here broken, despaired, and didn’t know where to go. I didn’t know anything about a second chance..but they saw a second chance in me. They saved me.”

                              Freedom From Addiction

                              Josh & Tabitha

                                “There was a lot of feeling of it was too late, we already messed up too far, we had done too much wrong. The kids are never going to be ok, we’re never going to be ok, we’re never going to climb out of the hole that we dug.” 

                                Join an Unstoppable Community of Monthly Givers

                                Whether you give $5 or $500 a month you can be a part of our 100Fold community. Our community of monthly givers is known as The 100Fold because, like Jesus tells his disciples in Mark 10, we believe that when people live lives of generosity and sacrifice the blessings returned to them will be one hundred fold. 

                                The 100Fold is a group of people who are passionate, courageous and committed to seeing the South Side be restored through a gospel lens. You belong here.